February 2025

July 2024

Inside the February Issue



Today’s Approach to Historic
Building Renovations

Giving old buildings new life, particularly historic buildings, such as Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, is a trend that will continue to rise. Adapting these spaces to fit contemporary needs, or updating their aesthetics or infrastructure, is a creative and sustainable way to pay homage to the past.

Often, these buildings are also beloved by communities, so restoring them is as good for people as it is for the environment.

However, the sad reality is that modernizing historic buildings has a track record of causing fire disasters, and this pattern is likely to continue without a change to the status quo. Luckily, the solutions exist, but it’s up to us to be more proactive in embracing them.

First, it’s helpful to review the commonalities that make historic buildings more vulnerable to fire risk. These buildings were constructed in eras when fire safety standards were nonexistent or nowhere near as rigorous as they are today, meaning they may lack certain fire safety systems or design considerations (e.g., interconnected fire alarms, automatic sprinklers, or proper compartmentalization).

The materials they were built with are also older and often more flammable, such as bone-dry timber. Further, renovation activities compound these fire risks by exposing combustible elements or creating sparks or flames through “hot work” tasks like welding.

Moreover, it’s common for built-in fire detection or suppression systems to be disconnected during renovations, slowing the response time in the case of emergencies. Human error and, in rarer cases, malintent, also need to be considered. Full story »



today's news

EcoVadis Awards Planon for its Sustainability

BSM Staff | 02.07.25

BOSTON – Planon, a developer of software for smart buildings, has earned the EcoVadis Platinum Medal, placing it among the top one percent of organizations worldwide for sustainability performance.

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Diversified Invests $3.7M for Staff Growth

BSM Staff | 02.07.25

TAMPA, FL -- Diversified Maintenance, a provider of facility maintenance and janitorial services, invested more than $3.7 million in 2024 to enhance employee development, recognition, and growth.

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ESFI IDs Most at Risk for Death from Electricity

BSM Staff | 02.06.25

ARLINGTON, VA -- Contact with or exposure to electricity continues to be one of the leading causes of workplace fatalities and injuries in the United States.

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Jelmar Launches CLR Industrial Degreaser

BSM Staff | 02.06.25

SKOKIE, IL -- Jelmar, a manufacturer of home and industrial cleaning products, has extended its industrial product offerings with the launch of CLR PRO MAX Industrial Degreaser, a new industrial cleaning product.

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Sellars CEO Named a Titan 100 Honoree in Wisc.

BSM Staff | 02.05.25

MILWAUKEE -- Tom Sellars, CEO and chairman of Sellars Absorbent Materials, has been named to the 2025 Wisconsin Titan 100, which recognizes the state’s top 100 CEOs and C-level executives who have demonstrated exceptional leadership, vision and passion.

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