Clorox Report Reveals More Cleaner Burnout

Contributed by BSM Staff

OAKLAND, CA -- CloroxPro has released the 2024 Clean Index report, which details the perceptions, needs and challenges of more than 1,500 cleaning professionals and consumers from the past year.

The findings highlight increasing adoption of eco-conscious cleaners, as well as ongoing burnout faced by staff as a result of constrained resources.

Responses from the study show that eco-conscious cleaner adoption is becoming widespread: Two in three cleaning professionals stated that their facility is using such solutions, and 60 percent reported that their facility has set a business goal to use more eco-conscious products.

This year’s study also reinforced that burnout is a big challenge faced by cleaning professionals. Fifty percent of cleaning professionals indicated that they experienced burnout within the last year, with almost half of all respondents saying their level has increased in the last two years.

Cleaning professionals highlighted a lack of training as a key factor to burnout – less training can lead to less employee knowledge about cleaning protocols and efficiency as well as lower employee confidence in cleaning outcomes.

In fact, 60 percent of cleaning professionals do not feel confident that the areas they manage are properly cleaned and disinfected due to lack of training programs.

The Clean Index survey also found that more than half of consumers continue to be concerned about germ exposure at work, with 79 prcent of consumers noting that it is important for businesses to provide disinfecting wipes. In light of this finding, access to ready-to-use (RTU) products can provide a more efficient solution for regular cleaning and disinfection of high-traffic areas and frequently touched surfaces.

“As industry leaders, CloroxPro champions creating a cleaner and healthier world, and we understand the importance of doing so in a way that helps cleaning professionals overcome their challenges,” said Kyra Caskey, senior director of Marketing at CloroxPro.

“As we reflect on the cleaning industry’s evolving demands and priorities over the past year, we are proud that the 2024 launch of Clorox EcoClean Disinfecting Wipes, our ongoing Healthy Clean education program, and our portfolio of many ready-to-use cleaning products will help support cleaning professionals meet the challenges they face. We will continue to develop innovative products and solutions to meet the evolving needs of cleaning professionals.”

Data for this report was collected in a September 2024 online survey of 1,000 consumers, a nationally representative U.S. General Population based on age, gender, region, race/ethnicity and income, and 511 cleaning industry professionals defined as frontline workers, decision makers, building service contractors and infection preventionists who work in Education, Government or Healthcare settings.

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